Monday, January 3, 2011


We arrived in Ho Chi Mihn City last night around 11 PM (Vietnam time) after what was an exhausting trip over. Didn't sleep much on the flight from Houston to Tokyo, and probably slept two hours from Tokyo to Vietnam; nevertheless, I had trouble going to sleep last night. I woke up early – probably 6 AM Vietnam time. I was afraid I might be one of the first ones up, so I fiddled around in the hotel room until about 8 AM.

My big concern last night and this morning was figuring out how to charge my laptop. The converter didn't seem to work, so I finally abandoned it and just plugged directly into the outlet. My hope was that the power converter for the laptop would protect it. So far I seem to be right. What a relief that is because all of my electronics needed my laptop in order to recharge.

Our hotel provided complimentary breakfast on the top floor. Dr. Burr soon joined me, and we enjoyed a big breakfast overlooking the smog-choked skyline. Surprisingly, the other students joined us soon thereafter. The breakfast consisted of many items that you would normally think of as lunch or dinner items, including fried rice and meatballs. I wasn't able to drink any of the special coffee I've read about – it was just regular black coffee to me. Because I wanted to avoid drinking water, I drank a lot of sourplum juice. It was surprisingly delicious.

I am pretty large breakfast in hopes that it helps reset my body's timeclock. Today should be an easy day, allowing us to ease into the activities and hustle and bustle of city. Hoping I'll be sufficiently tired to go to bed at a reasonable hour tonight

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