Friday, January 14, 2011

Kopi Luwak Coffee: 780,000 dong for 1 kilo

I just got back from the last of my excursions while in Vietnam. I had seen coffee for sale that said "Weasel Coffee," and I was curious, so I asked around. Ends up, this is the very expensive kopi luwak coffee, made famous in the 2007 movie "The Bucket List" with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. I had considered buying some in the US, but the price was $60 for 3 oz., so I took a pass. But the price of the coffee here was probably cheaper since it was being sold in regular shops, so I decided to check it out, give it a try, and, if good, buy some.
Well, the coffee is great. Very mellow, no bitterness at all. A regular cup of coffee sells for 20,000 dong, this coffee was 50,000 dong. Expensive in Vietnam, but a bargin compared to Starbucks. A kilo of the coffee costs 780,000 dong, whick was less than what 3 oz would have cost in the US. So I bought it!

By the way, to get to the coffee shop, I had my first scooter ride in Vietnam. Very scary!
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