Wednesday, January 5, 2011


It is hard to explain just what all these motorcycles are like. They are everywhere! And they are used in ways that are very different than what you might expect.

Legally, there is a 50cc limit on the size of the engine, so these aren't big, powerful hogs that we see in the US. These really are just small scooters.

But it isn't uncommon to see two or three (and even once I've seen four) people one of these. I've seen one loaded with about 12 cases of beer. I've seen one with two people and two plants, each about 4 feet high. It isn't uncommon to see very small children riding as passengers. People seem to treat them like minivans on two wheels! Nhu mentioned that she has seen them deliver appliances on these. I didn't think 50cc delivered that much power.

Of course, I should point out that the speeds here are not what we normally see in the US. Traffic all moves at 15-25 mph (my guess), so it isn't fast, just non-stop, constant flow of these bikes swarming around everything. You will see giant scooter parking areas packed with them.

Everyone does wear a helmet. National law, and apparently there is very high compliance.

I wonder what it is like during the rainy season? What happens when people have more wealth and they want cars instead of bikes?

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