Saturday, January 15, 2011

Oh, yeah. The beds...

There are two types of beds that seem to be prevalent in Vietnam. The first is a very traditional bed called a board bed. It looks like a regular bed, but instead of a mattress, it has a solid wooden "floor" with only a woven mat on top of it. Needless to say, it is a very firm bed, and wasn't the type we had in our hotel rooms.

Instead, we had the second type of bed. It was like a board bed, but with a thin mattress instead of the woven mat. More cushion than the board bed, but still VERY FIRM! I slept fine on them even though they are a far cry from my memory foam.

Just something to know about when you come, because you shouldn't be expecting anything similar to what you sleep on in the US unless you sleep on floor!

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