Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Jet Lag?

Made it through the day yesterday, but just barely. It was wonderful to have Nellie pick me up from the airport -- I really missed her, and getting to spend some time with her before the next semester begins full steam is wonderful. We looked over all the stuff I brought back, I tried to make us some Vietnamese coffee... Going to need to work on that.

Went to bed at 8pm, slept until 4. No problem. Until it got to be about 11am, then I was wiped out! Took a nap, got up and tried to spend the afternoon in the sun. Sunlight, I recently read, it what adjusts your body's internal clock, so I wanted to give it as much exposure to natural light as I could. No real energy for the rest of the day until about 7pm, then I was wide awake.

I managed to go to bed at a respectable 10pm, and slept until 5am, with only a few wake-ups during the night. I'll also point out that I adjusted back to my memory foam ultra soft bed in no time, but I might consider getting a hard bed next new mattress that I buy...

Today I have to go to class and work, so I hope my energy keeps up throughout the day!!!

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